Lemon Juice Remedies To Lighten Hair

Lemon Juice Remedies

Lemon Juice Remedies

Don’t even think for a second about that hair bleach or paying a visit to the hair color specialist! Using all-natural lemon juice is a great alternative method to getting chemical highlights. This is an easy process that takes a little patience and some sun. Lemon juice lightens your hair by working with the sun or UV rays, so if you want to get sun kissed hair, here’s how you do it!

Home Remedies:

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil:
Add nutrients and shine to your lightened hair by adding olive oil to lemon juice, which helps to fight hair damage.

Lemon Juice and Chamomile Tea:
To enjoy a mild bleaching effect, mix chamomile tea with lemon juice and use as a rinse.

Lemon Juice and Hair Conditioner:
Instead of diluting lemon juice with water, some have chosen to replace water with hair conditioner. Brushing the mixture through unwashed hair, try sitting in the sun for 20 minutes. Wash your hair as usual, and you should find a natural-looking lightness begin to emerge.

To lighten your hair, mix ¼ cup of chopped fresh rhubarb to 2 cups of boiling water. Cool the mixture, strain, and use as a rinse.

Black Tea:
Create a cup of black tea at the normal strength, allowing it to cool before using it as a rinse in your hair. Before pouring the entire cup through your hair, it is suggested to test a strand. If your hair is already a light shade, you could wind up darkening it.

Benefits of Lemon Juice For Hair Treatment

Lemon Juice For Hair Treatment

Lemons offer numerous benefits to your hair for health and styling purposes. Go natural by using lemons instead of chemical treatments from the store. You’ll save a bundle, and the recipes for your lemon hair treatments will hardly take any time to make.

Lemon Juice Benefits For Hair:

Hair Lightener:
For lighter natural hair colors, adding an all-over spritz of lemon juice to wet hair before heading out into the sun can slowly lighten your hair. You can also spray on the lemon juice and blow dry your hair to achieve the same results. This natural method works best on hair colors with blond undertones. Brunettes can experience that dreaded pumpkin-inspired orange color when using lemon juice to lighten hair

Hair Growth:
Lemon juice can be used alone or combined with coconut water to stimulate blood flow. Massage a generous amount of the lemon juice or coconut water mixture into your scalp to increase the blood flow to your hair. This will also increase the amount of nourishment your hair receives while activating your hair’s natural oils to increase hair growth.

Lemon juice makes an effective hair rinse, reducing oil and getting rid of harmful chemicals and buildup. It will even help you get chlorine out of your hair, returning your hair to its normal color. Mix 1/2 cup of baking soda with the juice from one lemon, then work it into your hair right away. Baking soda also cleanses residue from hair gently, so this combo is sure to get out the gunk, such as built-up styling product. Rinse your hair afterward. Your hair will look shinier and healthier. If you have dry hair, though, avoid using lemon juice often so that it doesn’t zap all its natural oils.

Dandruff Removal and Prevention:
Lemon juice removes flakes of dandruff and hair product buildup from your scalp while giving the hair a nice, citrus smell. Instead of a harsh, medicinal-smelling dandruff shampoo, massage a generous amount of lemon juice into your scalp to remove any dandruff buildup and protect the scalp from further dryness.

Lemons can help you highlight your hair, giving you a natural, sun-lightened look. Get a jump start on summer with this quick fix. Of course, it works best for hair that’s already on the lighter side. Mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice with 3/4 cup of water, spritz the mixture on dry hair, and leave it on for two hours.