Row Vegetable Juice For Diabetes

A healthy diet is important in managing your diabetes, and vegetables are essential in a balanced diabetes diet. Rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, but low in calories and carbohydrates, vegetables make an excellent diabetes-friendly menu option. Juicing vegetables is an acceptable alternative to eating them whole.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that you consume at least three to five servings of nonstarchy vegetables daily. A single serving of raw, whole vegetables is 1 cup, and a serving of vegetable juice is 1/2 cup. Nonstarchy vegetables have a low glycemic index and contain very few carbohydrates. This means they will not cause a sudden spike in your blood glucose. Nonstarchy vegetables help promote healthy and stable blood glucose levels. However, keep in mind that processing tends to increase a food’s glycemic index, so vegetable juice will likely have a higher glycemic index than whole vegetables.

Juicing is a good way to fulfill your daily recommended intake of vegetables, especially if you don’t care for the taste of vegetables. Vegetables and fruits can be juiced together for a juice that tastes like fruit, but also provides the benefits of vegetables. Vegetable juice does not contain nearly as much fiber as whole vegetables; a lot of the fiber in vegetables comes from skin and seeds, often are eliminated during juicing. So keep eating whole vegetables, too.

Green Velay Vegetables:
Dark green leafy vegetables rank as superfoods with the American Diabetes Association. So try incorporating vegetables such as spinach, collards and kale into your juices. Prepare a juice from spinach, cucumber, celery, carrots and green apple. Another option is juicing kale with celery and pineapple, or carrots with kiwi. Or try a juice that includes beets, spinach, collard greens, lettuce, carrots and red apple. For a vegetable juice that does not include fruit, try juicing spinach, cabbage, carrots, broccoli and green bell pepper.

Tomatoes, another diabetes superfood, work extremely well as juices. Try preparing a juice with tomatoes, green pepper, celery, ginger root and garlic. Another option is juicing tomatoes with cucumber, romaine lettuce and celery. Or try juicing tomatoes with zucchini, carrots and asparagus. Prepare a juice from tomatoes, beets and fresh lemon. For tomato vegetable juice that includes fruit, try combining tomato, blood orange, strawberries, celery and carrots.

Apple Juice Benefits You Should Know About

A fruit juice, apple juice is manufactured by the pressing of apples and the maceration of apples. It is one of the most popular types of fruit juices across the whole world. Production of apple juice is led by countries like the United States, Poland, Germany and China. Besides its delicious taste, apple juice is also known for its many health benefits, one of the main reasons that people like to drink apple juice. Apple juice benefits are regularly enjoyed by those who practice juicing for health in their own kitchens.


Many types of apple juice have vitamin C, which is sometimes put into the juice by way of fortification. The biggest benefit of vitamin C is that it aids the human body in fighting off disease. Though rare these days, scurvy is a disease that vitamin C in apples will help you fight off. People also believe that the common cold can be fought off by vitamin C, though no scientific evidence presently exists to corroborate this definitively.

Nutrition Facts related to Apple juice:
Serving size: 6 OZ of apple juice

The above mentioned serving size of Apple juice contains 87 calories from which 97.9% are carbs and 2.1% fat. 6 OZ of Apple juice contains 5mg of Sodium and 20 grams of sugar. The values are based on the 2000 calories diet.

Apple Juice Benefits:
A research study shows that most of the people drink apple juice in breakfast. Apple juice is rich in Vitamins and contains nutrients our body needs to fight diseases. Let us explore a few Apple juice benefits and find out what our glass of Apple juice actually serves us.

1.Apple juice contains an ample amount of Vitamin A and C. Vitamin A helps to improve vision as it contains beta-carotene. On the other hand Vitamin C is a good source of anti oxidant and makes our immune system strong. The anti oxidants are said to help in cancer prevention. Other vitamins found in Apple juice in comparatively small proportion are Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Vitamin B1, B2 and B3.
2.Apple juice is a good source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. Apple juice contains pectin which not just flushes the toxic materials from the body but also keeps the intestine in good health and helps in relieving perpetual constipation.
3.The insoluble fiber in apple cleans the intestinal track and clears the way for food to travel easily through the digestive system
4.Few researches have shown that Apple juice can help in increasing brain power and heals memory loss problems. (discussed below in detail)
5.Apple juice benefits the skin too. The minerals such as iron, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, copper and chlorine makes your skin glow and gives your nails and hair a healthy look.
6.The potassium in apple juice makes the bones healthy and reduces arthritis symptoms.
6.The sugar content in Apple juice acts as an instant source of energy.
7.See how Apple juice benefits for the smokers. Surprised? If you are a smoker (which is not good for health), you should drink apple juice so that the anti oxidants can detoxify and clean your lungs so you can breathe easily.