Essential Oils Benefits For Everyone

Essential Oils Benefits

Essential Oils Benefits

Essential oil benefits are numerous. Essential oils can affect not only the nasal senses, but also the physical, emotional and spiritual well-being of nearly everyone. Different types of essential oils and how they are used to improve physical, emotional, and the balance of the body.

Benefits Of Different Essential Oil :

Lavender Oil :
Lavender oil can be used to treat headaches, fungal infections, cuts, bruises, acne, eczema. It’s also healing for muscle and joint pain. It has balancing properties so it can help the body to relax and also can be used for energy and more stamina.

Tea Tree Oil :
Extracted from the leaves of tea trees, this essential oil is often used in acne treatments because it is naturally antibacterial. The oil also helps reduce inflammation caused by acne, and provides a great way to help diminish dandruff.

Rose Oil :
Fights dryness and gives moist, dewy and soft skin. It also boosts skin’s elasticity keeping it youthful and vibrant. This unique oil can also be used to calm and soothe irritated skin making it an incredibly gentle age fighter.

Peppermint Oil :
Peppermint is famous as medicine for digestion problems such as diarrhea, indigestion, bloating and nausea. It is refreshing and stimulating for the heart, intestines and nervous system.

Coconut Oil :
Is a natural antioxidant, meaning it helps shield skin from environmental aggressors. When it comes to your hair, coconut oil assists in protecting it from the elements and gives it a healthy dose of shine. It is also great for combating dry skin woes.

More Ways to use of Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Essential Oils

There are different ways to use essential oils. Essential oils have numerous therapeutic benefits for the skin, causing healthy skin and a smooth, radiant glow for your facial features.They are used in small quantities in many skin care products on the market today but to obtain the full benefits it is best to use them inside your natural skin care creations without any from the added chemicals/additives that are usually based in the mass produced ones available in the shop.

Body Mist:
Add 5-10 drops of the essential oil to 4 ounces water and shake well. Take care when applying citrus oils for your face; these oils are photosensitive, meaning they are able to make your skin more prone to sunburn from ultraviolet light exposure.

Add someone to nine drops of oil towards the water in the reservoir. Tea tree oil is a great all purpose antiseptic and antimicrobial.

Fire logs:
Put one drop of cypress, pine, sandalwood or cedarwood oil on the fire log at least 30 minutes before burning. One perfumed log per fire is enough.

Room sprays:
Add four drops of oil per cup of tepid to warm water to a plant sprayer.

Give a few drops of lavender, basil, cedarwood, or patchouli oil for your shampoo to treat dandruff or perhaps an itchy scalp. Rosemary oil can promote hair regrowth.

Skin cream:
Mix a couple drops of rosemary or rose oil to your face cream to boost it’s anti-aging capabilities.

Place one drop of acrylic on a handerkerchief or tissue for use during an emotional emergency.

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